Sunday, November 23, 2008

Camree B-day

So I decided to write a post each Sunday, that way I could catch up on all the main events I have missed, so we'll see how it goes. The next big event that I could never leave out is Camree's Birthday. This was the first year we did not have a big "friend" party. We talked her into having a "family" birthday party, and inviting one of her best friends from last year, Gracie.

Her b-day is so hard because it is always a week or two after school starts. So she wanted a "My Little Pony" party (Cameron surprised me with a "my little pony" for my birthday a couple years ago, because he let the girls pick it out. Ever since then she has wanted one)

So since we were not letting her have a big ole party, the least I could do is get her a "my little pony" cake for school. She loves when I come to visit her at school, especially when I bring sweets. She was also so proud to wear her birthday outfit that I stayed up until like 1 am making because I didn't start it until like 10pm the night before. I was so grateful that she absolutely loved it. It made up for my lack of sleep.

At school, she had to show off for me, and I couldn't resist a few pictures. It just reminded me of my carefree days of playing and hanging upside down on the monkey bars.

Her main present this year was a Leapster, or as she calls it a "Game Girl" You can see the excitement on her face. We made her open the case first and she was very disappointed that nothing was in it. But a few presents later she was very happy.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

First Day of School

So much has happened in the last few months, I don't want to miss a thing. So I will start with one of the biggest changes in our lives, Kyra started Preschool in August. They were both excited to wear their new shirts and skirts embroidered with their names on it. Kyra was especially excited. She thought she was so big wearing her backpack that she picked out. Holly took Camree the first day and Cameron took Kyra. When Cameron dropped her off she sat down and said, "Bye Dad" She loved every minute and has since. Although Camree was a bit more apprehensive, she went with a smile.

The Beginning...

Ok, so my sister Addie has been begging me to start a blog for about 6 months or so. So I finally gave into her and started the blog. Well now it is about two months since I started the blog, and I am posting my first blog. The other day she said to me, when she asked if I had posted yet, "Well maybe the blog thing is not for you" Well here it is Addie, I am going to prove to you it is for me.

One of my New Year's Goal was to do a blog to make up for my lack of scrapbooking in the last year. Since starting my Children's Boutique business, I have been so crazy busy, the scrapbooking dept has really slimmed down or more so came to a quick halt. But I am not giving up either, I don't think Camree would let me. The other day she said, "Mommy, James is saying 'Where is my book, Where is my book.'" So it is something I really need to make a priority. But as for now this blog will make all the close friends and family happy.:)