Saturday, April 4, 2009

St Patrick's Day

Credits: Shabby Princess and Kenzi Dawn Designs

Camree was in the St. Patrick's Day Parade (one of the many festivals our small town has) this year with her Girl Scouts. She was so excited to be a part of it. James and Kyra loved every minute. Kyra would lure the people in with her rather loud but sweet "Hello" and James would take all the loot, including the beads. They both had a great time. To top the day off we went and visited "The Lion" Some sweet lady in our town paints this lion different for every holiday. The kids love driving by it and seeing what "the lion dressed up as." We have our complaints of this small town, but we truly love it and it is home to us.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Run For the Cookies!!!

Camree and I decided to enter into the race "Run For the Cookies" For all of you wondering, no I am not a runner. Just to let you know how much I am not runner and that I didn't listen in school, I had to call a friend to find out which was shorter the mile run or the 5K. After consulting with her I definately decided to run the mile and really glad we did. I had pumped Camree up all week about this race, only with words of course, no running. So that morning we get there, very early to register. Everyone else was ready to run in there tight pants and shirts. When we registered the lady told us to hook our number to our running gear. We laughed as we pinned it to our parkas. (It was bitter cold, well for Florida standards) So we get ready for the race right at the front, I think this was the only time we were at the front of the pack. The horn goes, and we take off running. We sprint for a few yards and the excitement has wore off for Camree, I don't think we were even a quarter of the way there, and she is screaming "take me back, I hate running." I kept pushing her telling her the only way to get back is to finish. We we did finish, and much quicker than I thought. We had 30 minutes to complete the race, and I was scared we wouldn't be able to finish in time. We kept going and by the end I was ready to start screaming too, but we did finish and made it in 13 minutes and 30 seconds. Not too bad considering she was running and screaming the whole time, and I hadn't ran since high school. It was a really good experience and made "us", or maybe just me, feel good because it was for a good cause. She was just happy at all the stuff they gave her when she finished. The next day when I had horrible shin splints, I felt bad for making fun of the 10 year olds stretching out before the race! Here we come next year, well maybe.